PARIS 2024: Always believed Relay Team would qualify- GOC President

Team Ghana at 2024 World Relays in Bahamas Photo Courtesy: Ghana Athletics

President of the Ghana Olympic Committee, Ben Nunoo Mensah, says he had an unwavering faith in Ghana’s Men’s 4×100 Metre Relay Team to qualify to the 2024 Olympic Games.

He said this in an exclusive interview with Citi Sports as the countdown to the start of the competition in France’s capital continues.

Ghana’s Relay Team dropped a baton on Day One at the World Relays in Bahamas but recovered to win its Heat on Day 2 at the World Relays to qualify to Paris.

This came on the back of Team Ghana suffering a delay on a baton change that led to a second place finish in Pennsylvania. Earlier this year, Ghana suffered the same issue in the lead up to a silver medal win at the 2023 African Games.

Despite these setbacks, the GOC President said his belief in the team to qualify to the 2024 Olympics was absolute,

“When the baton dropped, I won’t lie, I was very sad so the next day I stayed up late and prayed…Trust me, that faith I had in the team was so high that somehow I knew they were going to make it that’s why I stayed late to watch the race.”

Ghana Olympic Committee President Ben Nunoo Mensah

Benjamin Azamati, Isaac Botsio, Ibrahim Fuseini and Joseph Paul Amoah qualified Ghana to Paris and will compete with the likes of USA, Jamaica and South Africa in the 2024 Olympics 4×100 Men’s Relays.

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