The Chairman of the Normalisation Committee, Dr Kofi Amoah has appealed to the delegates at the GFA’s Extraordinary Congress to give their approval to the new statutes that have been proposed for the Association.
A number of the delegates present at Thursday’s Congress, many of them club officials, expressed some reservations with some of the proposals which were made.
Although FIFA has already approved the statutes, the buy-in of the delegates is also needed for the statutes to be adopted.
Dr Amoah stated that while the delegates had a right to make their concerns heard, it was important for them to “reclaim football” in the country by adopting the statutes first and then make any necessary amendments later.
FIFA has already warned the clubs that they will have to accept the statutes or else, their wish for an election and the creation of a new management group to run Ghana football will not materialise.
“These draft statutes are the result of a long consultative process between the NC and FIFA and if members fail to come to an agreement on the approval, there will be no elective congress,” FIFA’s representative at the Congress, Luca Nicola, said.
Proposals made at the Congress include publishing the audited accounts of the Ghana Football Association in the dailies, limiting of the tenure of the GFA President to two terms of four years each and reducing the size of Congress to 120 delegates.
New statutes
In July, FIFA approved the recommendations made to the statutes of the GFA.
Dr. Kofi Amoah had said earlier in an interview with GTV Sports that FIFA had assessed the recommendations for the statutes and what that would mean for the start of football in Ghana once again.
Among the recommendations are a switch from President of the GFA to Chairman and the introduction of a Board to replace the Executive Committee.
“We are going through the process of changing the statutes and FIFA has pretty much approved of what we have done. We have to place it before Congress for them to approve so we go for elections at the district, regional and national levels.
After the elections, we will have a board to replace the Executive Committee and a Chairman to replace the President of the Association.”